OUTREACH: Little Earth Charter in the field. |
This is where we post our workshops and presentations, and hi-light events that educators are doing around the world. If you want to see your event posted here, just email us. We're happy to post pictures too! |
Grasmere School, UK
Jennifer Isidore-Coyne sent in the following report from London England. She has been working with the class teacher to support the children's interest in the Little Earth Charter website. There's some great artwork and the kids really look like they'rereally having fun.
"Year Four pupils at Grasmere School, London, England were introduced to The Little Earth Charter and the LEC website, and explored the theme of interconnectedness, whilst taking part in an Arts workshop in January 2010. The children created artwork which was later displayed alongside the exhibition "Seeds of Change: the Earth Charter and Human Potential", part of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development initiative, taking place at a local community celebration.
During the workshop, the class created a beautiful wishing tree, as well as bunting from recycled carrier bags. This took pride of place at the exhibition's specially created 'Seeds' area where members of the public and their children were invited to post their thoughts and pledges on leaves and seeds, and to colour blossoms which then adorned the wishing tree. By the end of the day, the tree was festooned with carefully considered promises of action towards a sustainable future for all." |
The Wishing Tree currently hold pride of place outside the Headmaster's office at Grasmere School. |
The children thoroughly enjoyed the work shop! |
"Working Together"
We're happy to report that Sao Monteiro's "Working Together" group maintain their work with the LEC, publishing their projects onliine in the principles of Life, Love, Earth and Peace. The students of Aveiro, Portugal, celebrated Christmas by creating beautiful cards made from 100% recycled materials. Little Animation was honoured to receive 4 stunning cards made by Sofia, Ana, Roberto, Ana and Edgar, in the 5th year at the Schools of Cacia. The international aspect of "Working Together" is a highlight, looking at their cards being created online, and seeing the same cards on the wall of the Little Animation studio is an inspiration! |
For the LEC principle of LOVE, Cacia students created Christmas cards from recycled materials and shared a few with Little Animation. |
UNESCO and the Earth Charter Initiative
have launched a new publication on Education for Sustainable Development. The book "Good Practices Using the Earth Charter" is a compilation of twenty-seven education experiences from non-formal, primary and secondary education as well as higher education. The Little Earth Charter has been included as a case study and it shows how it is possible to put Education for Sustainable Development into practice. The LEC is unique in that it offers an audio visual approach developed specially for school-aged children.
This compilation was co-published by UNESCO and the ECI, and was launched during the 4th Conference on Environmental Education in Ahmedabad India in November 2007, and is available online; just click here for Good Practices Using the Earth Charter. |
De Kriebel School, Belgium
The "Working Together" project continues their fabulous work with the Little Earth Charter activities, now focussing on the principle of FUTURE. De Kriebel School in Olen, Belgium has adopted a little boy in Sri Lanka, named Isuru through an organization called Plan Netherlands. With the help of their teacher Jef Theys, the students at de Kriebel are creating some innovative activities to fundraise the monthly amount of money needed to help Isuru and his village. One of these fundraisers was a "Used Toy Sale" in the school, raising 101.20, enough to support Isuru for several months. This is a great example of the Little Earth Charter in Action, especially as Plan is a supporter of the Earth Charter! It's also a great way to practice good recycling habits. Well done! |
For the LEC principle of FUTURE, de Kriebel students organized a "Used Toy Sale" to help support Isuru in Sri Lanka, through PLAN. |
Happy Earthday!
Little Animation is always very busy during Earth Day/Week/Month!
There are many exciting workshops taking place, thanks to some very wonderful teachers out there. |
ASPEA, City of Aveiro and the Portuguese Ministry of Education
The "Working Together" project at Cacia Schools in Portugal marked Earth Day with a Little Earth Charter/Earth Charter school presentation and celebration at their City Hall!. The event was organized jointly by the City Hall of Aveiro and the Portuguese Association of Environmental Education (ASPEA). It was attended by students and teachers from other schools, parents, the Aldermen and heads of Education and Environmental departments for the City of Aveiro, along with ASPEA and the Portuguese Ministry of Education. The students exhibited the artwork and photographs of their LEC activities during the past year, and they also performed the song "2 is Interconnected!". The project is coordinated by educator Sao Monteiro, and it is shared HERE between several countries, including Belgium and Russia. Their work with the LEC is a huge success; teachers and students deserve a big round of applause! |
Sao's students worked with the Little Earth Charter.... |
....and the big Earth Charter. One leads to the other! |
Interconnected Workshop
Sophie Laplante presented an Interconnected Workshop at F.A.C.E. School in Montreal. The event was hosted by Mrs. Paula Brauer-Shuster's Cycle 1 Family Class, including students from Grades 1, 2 and 3. Sophie presented the animation and the whole class took the Interconnected Pledge. Sophie then worked with the kids on the activity. The students drew pictures of themselves and other things they felt connected too, cut them out and pasted them on a giant piece of paper with the Earth at the center. Many of these drawings were of their families and of the Earth. Lines were drawn connecting each drawing to the Earth, and to each other, creating an Interconnected Web. The final artwork was hung in the hallway outside the classroom for all to enjoy. |
Sophie connects with the kids with an interactive presentation. |
The Interconnected Pledge (allow a few moments for loading.) |
The students at F.A.C.E get into the Interconnected activity. |
Sophie with proud Grade 1 student under the Interconnected Web! |